Bitmap Font Generator Reddit

How to interpret the values in the font descriptor file

The image to the right illustrates some of the values found in the font descriptor file. The two dotted lines shows the lineHeight, i.e. how far the cursor should be moved vertically when moving to the next line.

The base value is how far from the top of the cell height thebase of the characters in the font should be placed. Characters can of courseextend above or below this base line, which is entirely up to the font design.

Bitmap Font Generator - Documentation. Back to main page. You can open the font settings dialog by going to the Options menu and choosing Font settings, or you can just press F on the keyboard. This dialog controls the properties of the font, i.e. The character set, and looks. Tcod-friendly unicode bitmap font generator? I need something like bmfont that packs unicode in a grid that will work with tcod. This font, which I made by hand, works.

The filled red dot marks the current cursor position, and the hollow red dotmarks the position of the cursor after drawing the character. You get to this position by moving the cursor horizontally with the xadvance value. If kerning pairs are used the cursor should also be moved accordingly.

The yoffset gives the distance from the top of the cell height tothe top of the character. A negative value here would mean that the characterextends above the cell height. The xoffset gives the horizontal offsetthat should be added to the cursor position to find the left position where the character should be drawn. A negative value here would mean that the characterslightly overlaps the previous character. Observe that these values shouldn't be used to move the cursor position.

The green rectangle illustrates the quad that should be copied from the textureto the screen when rendering the character. The width and height gives the size of this rectangle, and x and y gives the position of the rectangle in the texture.

Create bitmap fonts

Rendering colored text with outline

When the bitmap font has been generated with a baked outline, i.e. the outline is pre-generated in the font texture, the text is best rendered in two passes to avoid the outline for a character to overlap the previous character.

In the first pass the application should use only the alpha channel of the font texture as the transparency value when rendering the border.

In the second pass the application should use only the color channels of the font texture as the transparency value to render the characters over the border.

With a two-pass rendering like this it is also very easy to apply different colorsto the border and the internal characters dynamically without the need to pre-colorthe font in the texture. The application simply needs to multiply the transparency valuethe desired color before blending it to the screen.

Pixel fonts, also known as screen fonts or bitmap fonts, are fonts consisting of small pixels. Pixel fonts display the texts in simple blocks instead of elaborate curves as most regular fonts do. So the obvious advantage of pixel fonts over regular fonts is that texts using pixel fonts can still look crisp and clear in very small sizes. Pixel fonts are very popular over the Internet due to its clearness and crisp look, especially in websites that require text legibility in small sizes such as flash websites.

Because pixel fonts are usually designed to fit pixel by pixel with the computer screen, it will be best displayed at a specified size. Thyme Nu created by Michel Troy is a typical font family of pixel style. The family contains six fonts, and they are perfect for both small screen resolutions and outputs at larger sizes.

Convert Ttf To Bitmap Font

Thyme Nu by Michel Troy

To download free pixel fonts, you can take a look at our collection of pixel fonts. If you are looking for professional pixel fonts with good kerning, alternates, broad character support, have a look at pixel fonts at If you don’t want the hassle of downloading and installing fonts, but just want to use pixel fonts fonts online, you should check our text generator tool below.

Create text images with pixel fonts

You can use the following tool to generate text images based on your selection of colors, text effects and sizes using pixel fonts in seconds. You can then save the image, or use the EMBED button to get image links. If you want to modify the image further such as rotating, bending or blurring, you can use our image tools.

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